Saturday, September 27, 2008


Cambo has had a totally different start in life then Corbin. When Corbin was born I stayed home with him until he was 8 months old and then went back to work only part time. So every time Corbin had a doctors appointment, play date, or even a hair I was the one there. With Camren it was his Daddy. He would trip and fall and would run to Daddy to make him better! (I took it personal!) Jody wanted Camren to not be a mirror image of Corbin so while Corbin had the cool spiky hair since he was 1 Camren has always had longer hair that CONSTANTLY hung in his eyes...Until yesterday! I finally won the battle and Cambo has a big boy haircut!


Seriously who is this kid? Where did my Cambo go? Now I realize why Jody wanted to keep his hair longer; it was a way to keep him younger and to help aid us in our disillusionment! He isn't a baby anymore:(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Corbin is loving Soccer! We missed his first game because of Jody's graduation so HIS first came was last Saturday. His team won 2-0. He is so focused during the game. When it was his turn to sit out he was sitting next to the coach the whole time fully concentrated on the game whereas his other teammates where playing with trains with the little kids on the side lines. I am so proud!
This isn't in the game but I thought it was a cool picture.


Corbin and his cousin Daniel have been together since birth. They jumped off the cloud six weeks apart and have been the best of buds since. Since they could talk they have always had such old man conversations with each other. This is the most recent one caught on film. Instead of playing on the toys and running around like the other kids they were sitting down having a drink and talking about the weather, their new teachers, and how there day was! It was so adorable.
Corbin: Man it is hot out here. Can you even see a cloud?
Daniel: Yeah it is really hot her in Roseville. In Vacaville it wasn't as hot.
Corbin: Did you get a good teacher this year?
Daniel: I think so, but the school year has just started so we will see. Did you?
Corbin: Yeah my teacher is really far. How was your soccer game? I had to miss mine 'cause of my dad's graduation.
Daniel: It was awesome.....
I got interrupted and didn't catch the rest but you get the gist!


After the graduation we had an "After Party". Thank you to all of our friends that came out to show you support and helped with the food. You are all so amazing and we are so blessed to have you all in our lives!


Jody's graduation was AWESOME! We woke up super early to make sure everyone was dressed and ready to go. Jody wanted to make sure that I received a proper tutoring session on how to run our new camera and went over exactly where he would be seated and exactly where we should sit in order to get the perfect pictures. Yeah...that didn't happen. For some reason everything went wrong on the picture end! He was not on the side of the arena that we thought he should have been on. Thinking I would get a closer picture and that I had some time because in the program he was listed as second from the bottom, I ran up the stairs (in hills) around the the side and as I reentered the arena they called his name!!! Imagine my frustration and disappointment. I didn't even have the camera on!!! But hey I got some great after shots!
Where's Waldo?

Our little family. Camren kept talking about "Daddy's GadseeashON" We were all so proud.

Left to right: Ray, June, Sheree, Jody Charles, Corbin, Camren, Kaden, Evelyn

Happy Bday Grandpa Ray!

My parents came out for Jody's graduation, and it just so happen that while they were here it was my dad's Birthday.

The boys were super excited to wake him up and help make him a special breakfast of pancakes and sausage. Happy Birthday Daddy!!