Thursday, August 27, 2009

When did I stop??

I was just about to say "Stop, real me in, I've changed my mind" when my older brother put the boat into gear and pushed down on the accelerator. My older brother is like any other, slightly reckless and loves to torment. As the inter tube launched over the first wake and I was trying desperately to hold on imagining the pain I would feel when I hit the water. When I landed I didn't feel pain I felt... pure JOY!! Memories of jumping off ten foot cliffs into a mound of sand, haystack jumping, riding my horse through the hayfield at break neck speed to be the first to reach the pivot and get drenched, crick (creek for you proper folks) jumping on my horse in the mountains. And then I was smacked in the face with the big question...When did I stop having fun? More importantly why?
Fun for me over the last year has been a day out where the boys don't fight. Having pleasant conversation with someone I just met. Watching a movie that had a good ending...BLAH! I need to find a way to turn myself around real fast! I am 28 not 68! I need to stop acting like an old lady before I become one. I need HELP! LOL