Monday, June 2, 2008


Totally love the results of "WEAR YOUR KIDS OUT BEFORE BEDTIME" Family Home Evening. A couple of our friends decided to get together and play at a local park for an unofficial FHE. The kids played for a couple of hours and we got to have some non work related, no stress, adult conversation. Loved it! Thanks Jenny for putting it together! I am thinking we should do this every NIGHT let alone every Monday! Aren't they the cutest drooling monkeys you have ever seen?
Camren snores louder then a grown man! Seriously you can hear this kid all the way down the hall.
Corbin on the other hand is a silent sleeper. Ever since he was a baby I had to sit perfectly still with my hand on his back to see if he was still alive! Sleep what a wonder thing!

1 comment:

Kaylynn said...

Are we still doing the MOVIE tomorrow????? Great post by the way!!!! Kaylynn