Thursday, January 22, 2009

7:30!! REALLY?!

Corbin has officially moved his bed time to 7:30! Since he needs to wake up at 6:30 to catch the bus at 7:25 every morning he has felt like he hasn't gotten enough sleep. So, slowly HE has been moving his bed time back a half hour and has settled on 7:30. Of course it is never easy waking up that early (I feel like my eyes are hanging out of my head), but he feels he is finally getting a "...sufficient amount of sleep." (his words not mine!) What a silly boy!


Natierae said...

Welcome to the club!!!! Now if only you could get Camren to go to sleep that early. THink of what you could get done

mj said...

hm...well...he goes to sleep the same time as C! Sufficient amount of sleep! love it!